Informations required by law

Published by

Nantes Métropole
2, Cours du champ de Mars
44923 Nantes Cedex 9
Tél. : 02 40 99 48 48
Fax : 02 40 99 52 99

Publishing Director

Johanna Rolland

Site management and creation


The Nantes Métropole Account site was designed and developed by Orange Application for Business Service (OAB).


Nantes Métropole digital resources department in collaboration with the City of Nantes/Nantes Métropole Department of External Communications and municipal and metropolitan services.



Graphic design

Xavier Drouaud (Nantes Métropole Environment).

Processing of personal data

The Local Authority agrees to take all necessary measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of information provided by Users.

Pursuant to French law (Article 27 of the French Data Protection Act no.78.17 of 6 January 1978), you have the right to oppose (Art. 26), access (Art. 34 to 38), correct (Art. 36) or delete your personal data.

You may exercise this right by writing to:

Nantes Métropole
2, Cours du champ de Mars
44923 Nantes Cedex 9
Tel : 02 40 99 48 48
Fax : 02 40 99 52 99

The "e-procedures" service platform received a favourable opinion from the French data protection authorit (CNIL) No.1422334 dated 3 June 2010.

More information on the CNIL website

Copyright and rights to images is the property of Nantes Métropole.

The photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, pictures, animations with or without sound, logos, icons and graphic items used on this website are the property of Nantes Métropole or third-parties that have authorised Nantes Métropole to use them.

Accordingly, and pursuant to the French law of 11 March 1957 (Art. 41) and the French Intellectual Property Code, any reproduction, in part or in whole, of one of these elements, without the express consent of an authorised representative of Nantes Métropole is strictly prohibited and may result in prosecution for counterfeiting.